Analyzing Double Image Illusion through Double Indiscernibility and Lattice Theory

  • Kohei Sonoda
  • Eugene S Kitamura
  • Iori Tani
  • Tomohiro Shirakawa
  • Yukio-Pegio Gunji
Keywords: illusion, double images, figure-ground, double indiscernibility, Gestalt theory, rough set theory, lattice theor


The figure-ground division plays a fundamental role in all image perceptions. Although there are a lot of studies about extraction of a figure such as detection of edges or grouping of texture, there are few discussions about a relationship between obtained figure and ground. We focused on double image illusions having two complementary relationships be- tween figure and ground and analyzed them. We divided the double image illusions according to two different interpretations and using these divisions we extracted and analyzed their logical structures by lattices derived from rough sets that we had developed. As a result we discovered unusual logical structures in double image illusions.

Author Biographies

Kohei Sonoda
Kohei Sonoda is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Kobe, Japan. He earned a Ph.D. degree in Science from the University of Kobe. He is the author of other articles and special research reports on computer science and animal behavior.
Eugene S Kitamura
Eugene S. Kitamura is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Kobe. He earned a Ph.D. degree in Science from the University of Kobe. He is the author of other articles and special research reports on literary text analysis.
Iori Tani
Iori Tani is currently working towards a Ph.D. degree in Science at the University of Kobe. He earned an M.A. degree in Science from the University of Kobe.
Tomohiro Shirakawa
Tomohiro Shirakawa is a research associate at National Defense Academy of Japan. He earned a Ph.D. degree in Science from the University of Kobe. He is the author of many articles and special research reports on cell biology (of the plasmodium of Physarum poly- cephalum), emergent phenomena in biological systems and nature-inspired bio computing.
Yukio-Pegio Gunji
Yukio-Pegio Gunji is a professor of theoretical bioscience at the University of Kobe. He is the author of many articles and special research reports on philosophy, mathematics, computer science, chemical biology, cognitive science, animal behavior and econom- ics.
Special Issue: Towards a New Science of Information