Book Review: Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction to Cognitive Materialism by Mariano Zukerfeld

  • Rainer Zimmermann University of Applied Sciences (HTW), Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Digital capitalism, cognitive materialism, knowledge


Rainer E. Zimmermann reviews Mariano Zukerfeld's Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism. An Introduction to Cognitive Materialism, University of Westminster Press, London, 2017, 272 pp., paperback and open access, gratis e-book. There are several aspects of innovative thoughts in this text as to recent developments, in particular concerning the manifold occasions of more or less hidden layers of exploitation originating in the use of digital technology, and mainly based on un-remunerated activities. All this speaks very much in favour of reading this book; only minor objections have to be made that should not prevent a profitable reading.

Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)