Technontologies, Complexity, and Hybrid Interfaces

  • Renata Lemos
  • Vinícius Kern UFSC/EGC and Instituto Stela
Keywords: NBIC convergence, complexity, technontology, universal semiotics, pan communicationalism, ontology


NBIC (nano-bio-info-cogno) applications enable hybrid cognitive interfaces between matter and mind. These hybrid interfaces between human and artificial intelligence are also found in cyberspace. These new developments, together with recent advances in quantum computational physics, challenge traditional philosophical ontology. The nature of being in relation to reality seems to be transformed. New ontologies, technologically based, appear. We call them technontologies. Pan-communicationalism is the most important technontology, evolving around the concepts of ubiquitous information, universal semiosis and a universal quantum computational matrix. Being seems to be, in this context, meaning in modulation.

Author Biographies

Renata Lemos
Renata T. S. Lemos holds a B.SC. in Political Science from the Manhattanville College, United States, and a M.Sc. in Engineering Knowledge and Management from UFSC, Brasil. She is currently with Instituto Eletrocooperativa (, a NGO working to give young people a perspective of full citizenship.
Vinícius Kern, UFSC/EGC and Instituto Stela
Vinícius M. Kern is a researcher with Instituto Stela ( and a professor with the graduate program in Knowledge Engineering and Management ( at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brasil. His main research and teaching interests are systems modeling, the CESM systemic ontology (Bunge), and the application of peer review to education. Dr. Kern maintains a web page at