Assen Dimitrov
Department of ontological and epistemological investigations, Institute for the study of societies and knowledge, Bulgarian academy of sciences
Ecology of virtual realities, virtual reality, Philosophy of information, information society, augmented reality, digital public sphere, crypto-currencies
The book’s introductory chapter justifies its overall theoretical, ecological framework, its scientific and cultural assumptions, and the range of the philosophical, interdisciplinary, and particular issues arising in the context of the ecology of virtual realities. The second chapter outlines a complementary perspective on virtual reality, disclosed by the philosophy of information, the proper categorical structures and relations to which the complex dynamics of virtual reality boils down. Chapter 3 extensively deals with the architecture and the design of virtual reality, the augmented reality, cyberspace, and the prospects for its future. Chapter 4 examines the auto/regulation of the virtual public sphere, considered as a digital ecosystem. The fifth and final chapter introduces us into the machinery underlying the phantasmagorical logic of virtual financial markets.
Author Biography
Assen Dimitrov, Department of ontological and epistemological investigations, Institute for the study of societies and knowledge, Bulgarian academy of sciences
PhD, Associate professor of Philosophy at the Department of ontological and epistemological investigations, Institute for the study of societies and knowledge, Bulgarian academy of sciences. Field of research interests: complexity and intelligence, order and control in complex hierarchical (information, bio- and social) systems’ dynamics. Books: Complexity and meaning, or about intelligence” (2004). Faber, V. Turnovo, 276 p.; Nonalgorithmic order (2010). Faber, V. Turnovo, 276 p.; Mind and control (2014). Faber, V. Turnovo, 232 p.; author of over 50 papers, including: Virtual Information Systems. In: Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science,New Brunswick, NJ, U.S.A.: Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers Univ, vol. 33, issue 1, 1998 pp. 41-48; Packages: The Atoms of Communication. ТripleC 5(2): 82-86, 2007, ISSN 1726-670X, http://tripleC.uti.at. Fellow of Alexander S. Onassis foundation (2001).
Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)