A Semiotic Analysis of the Interface between Evolutionary and Developmental Processes

  • Eugenio Andrade Department of Biology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: development, evolution, Evolving Developing Agents (EDA), semiosis, Peirce, epigenetic landscape (EL), Developmental Systems Theory (DST)


This work proposes the notion of organisms as Evolving Developing Agents (EDA) in order to ground an internalist model in which evolution and development are conceived as aspects of a general transformative tendency driven by organism's need to cope with environmental uncertainty. It is shown how the integration Evo/Devo contributes to an expanded evolutionary synthesis that accounts for divergent evolution in terms of development, without disregarding the role of genes and natural selection. However this integration has to be seen as a specific case that contributes to the contextualization of C.S.Peirce's evolutionary ontology founded on three universal categories and six space/time/function relations, as described by Taborsky. The role played by the EDA is characterized by the Secondness as firstness relation for it merges the internal/ external, and individual/population and present/past/ progressive cuts that permeate the discourse of biology.