Marxist Theory in Critical Transitions: The Democratization of the Media in Post-Neoliberal Argentina

  • Pablo Castagno Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo


This article contends that for socialist emancipation to occur it is crucial to investigate how political cadres conceal, regulate or displace the demands of citizens and workers in the context of the calamitous effects of global capitalism. Analyzing the constitutive relationship between politics and the media is an essential component in researching those practices of state ideological production. Specifically looking into the transformation of media policy in the case of Argentina, this article problematizes the different political forms through which the state has cloaked its fundamental contradiction: alleged representation of the general interests of citizens, when explored in critical depth, reveals the state’s actual adjustment to a process of capitalist transnationalization that increases irrationality, social inequality and misery. Through this lens, the article emphasizes the value of Marxist dialectic method and theory in imagining a true democratic future.

Author Biography

Pablo Castagno, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo

Pablo Castagno is Professor of Political Science at Universidad Nacional de La Matanza’s Departamento de Derecho y Ciencia Política, Argentina. He received a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from George Mason University (2011). His doctoral dissertation is titled “The State Crisis in Argentina: Global Fantasies and National Containment” and his publications on culture and media include the essay From Provinces to National Television: Celebrity Culture and Collective Recognition in the New Spain, in Mediations 23 (2), Spring 2008. He is currently working on a comparative study of the political manifestations of the global capitalist crisis in Southern Europe and South America.

Marx is Back-The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Comm. Studies Today, ed C. Fuchs & Vincent Mosco