Position Paper Number 2 for the Workshop “Towards Criteria of Sustainability and Social Meaningfulness in Development“: Critical Reflections on Modernization Theoretical Thinking and its Implications for ICTs in Development

  • Robert M. Bichler Research Group Unified Theory of Information (UTI) – Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences
  • Eva Gaderer ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg
Keywords: Modernization Theories, ICTs, Development



Author Biographies

Robert M. Bichler, Research Group Unified Theory of Information (UTI) – Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences
Robert M. Bichler is lecturer at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and member of the Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Research Group - Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences. Prior he was a research fellow and lecturer at the ICT&S Center at the University of Salzburg. Address: Shanghai International Studies University, German Department, 550 Da Lian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, P.R. China. [email: robert.bichler@uti.at] 
Eva Gaderer, ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg
Eva Gaderer completed her Bachelor degree in Communication Studies, majoring in media economics and international communication at the University of Salzburg. Currently she is doing her masters degree and writing her thesis about strategies and actors in development politics in Nicaragua with a special consideration of the role of (new) media. From 2007 until Dec. 2009 she was working as public relations-assistant and assistant coordinator of the MCM – Program (Master Exchange Program in Media and Communication Management) as a member of the ICT&S Center at the University of Salzburg support staff.
Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)