Is Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid the Antidote to the Predatory Journal Problem?

  • Andrew Robert du Rocher Sheffield Hallam University
Keywords: capitalism, predatory journals, academic publishing, platform socialism, anarchist communism, mutual aid, intervention, open access, Kropotkin


Academic capitalism has encouraged the development of pay-to-publish journals, and may have also encouraged the proliferation of poor-quality profit motivated predatory journals. Predatory journals undermine the confidence that people have in scientific research, and have created an ethical crisis. Alternatives to capitalist ideologies can reveal how an anti-capitalist intervention to the predatory journal problem might be developed. A response to the predatory journal problem might be developed using a collaborative behaviour referred to as mutual aid. Mutual aid is an organisational component of the anarchist communism proposed by Russian dissident, geographer, zoologist, and anarchist Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin. Networks of non-commercial not-for-profit online open access publishing houses and journals could be developed by faculty in higher education institutions using a mutual aid strategy. It is entirely possible that a gradual and sustained increase in (anti-capitalist) online open access journals would result in a gradual and sustained decrease in (capitalist) predatory journals.

Author Biography

Andrew Robert du Rocher, Sheffield Hallam University

Andrew R. du Rocher is a senior lecturer in psychology in the Institute of Social Sciences at Sheffield Hallam University. His teaching is usually focused on statistics, research methods, individual differences, mental health and cognitive processes. His PhD focused on anxiety and the cognitive control of visual affect. He has published research on various topics including individual differences, mental health, cognition and emotion, pedagogy, and dreaming. He is interested in how anti-capitalist political ideologies can inform an intervention to improve the current global academic publishing paradigm.
