Cosmolocalism Against Platform Capitalism: Evidence From Ridesharing

  • Yosuke Uchiyama Chulalongkorn University
Keywords: cosmolocalism, digital commons, platform capitalism, platform cooperativism, social common capital, ridesharing


The rise of digital commons has expanded shared resources and addressed some challenges of traditional commons. However, this expansion has created new boundaries, forming a complex paradigm that challenges platform capitalism and demands alternative governance models. This study conceptualises shared resources within the framework of cosmolocalism, examining their formation, the processes of enclosure under platform capitalism, and potential pathways for de-embedding. Platform capitalism utilises legal frameworks and opaque algo-rithmic systems to appropriate resources and dominates digital labour markets, manifesting a contemporary tragedy of the commons characterised by exploitation and profit maximisation. Using ridesharing as a case study, this research highlights the dynamic nature of cosmolocal-ism and proposes strategies to counter exploitation. By integrating platform cooperativism and social common capital, this study offers sustainable, equitable resource management solu-tions, supported by a comparative analysis of business models.

Author Biography

Yosuke Uchiyama, Chulalongkorn University

Yosuke Uchiyama is a researcher at the Chulalongkorn University Transportation Institute, Thailand. His expertise lies in the gig economy, informal and shared mobility, platform studies, sociology of labour, and regulatory policy. He has contributed to research on the platform gig economy in Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia, under Malaysia’s Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) by the Ministry of Education. He was also a contributor to the Special Report on the ‘Asian Gig Economy’, produced by Monash University in collaboration with the Asia Research Centre at the University of Indonesia. His research and commentary have been published in various international journals and online media outlets.
