Christian Fuchs
Paderborn University
Sevda Can Arslan
Paderborn University
Thomas Allmer
Paderborn University
digital capitalism, digital labour, class, domination, democracy, public sphere
Digital capitalism matters. Digital capitalism shapes our lives. Digital capitalism needs to be better understood. We need critical theories of digital capitalism. We need to better understand praxes that challenge digital capitalism and aim at fostering digital democracy and digital socialism. tripleC’s special issue on “Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis” wants to contribute to establishing foundations of critical theories and the philosophy of praxis in the light of digital capitalism. This article introduces the topic and provides an overview of the special issue.

Author Biographies
Christian Fuchs, Paderborn University
Christian Fuchs is a critical theorist. He is co-editor of the journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique and a professor at Paderborn University.
@fuchschristian http://fuchsc.net/
Sevda Can Arslan, Paderborn University
Sevda Can Arslan is a research associate at the Department of Media Studies at Paderborn University in Germany. She co-founded the Network for Critical Communication Studies (https://krikowi.net/). Her current research focuses on the co-operation between media research, teaching, and progressive social movements. In her latest article, she advocates for media and communication studies for the Common Good.
Thomas Allmer, Paderborn University
Thomas Allmer is a research associate at the Department of Media Studies at Paderborn University in Germany. He is also the coordinator of Research Network 18 – Sociology of Communications and Media Research of the European Sociological Association and co-editor of the journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. His research and teaching are grounded in critical social theory and the political economy of media and communication, with a special focus on digital media and digital labour. His publications include Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance in Informational Capitalism (Peter Lang, 2012) and Critical Theory and Social Media: Between Emancipation and Commodification (Routledge, 2015). His new book, Universities and Academic Labour in Times of Digitalisation and Precarisation, was published with Routledge in 2023. Website: http://thomasallmer.net
Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis