Some Thoughts on Tourism in Lao PDR: Communist Ideology and Touristic Reality

  • Robert M. Bichler Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Research Group - Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences
Keywords: Lao PDR, Communism, Tourism


no Abstract - Reflection

Author Biography

Robert M. Bichler, Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Research Group - Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences
Robert M. Bichler is currently a lecturer at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and a member of Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Research Group - Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences. Prior he was a research fellow and lecturer at the ICT&S Center at the University of Salzburg. Address: Shanghai International Studies University, German Department, 550 Da Lian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, P.R. China.
Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)