The Digital Economy of the Sourdough. Housewifisation in the Time of COVID-19

  • Julianna Faludi Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Michelle Crosby Corvinus University of Budapest
Keywords: housewifisation, digital economy, exploitation, Engels, SARS-CoV2


The most brilliant part of re-visiting Engels, were the stark reminders, sometimes paragraph by paragraph, of key, essential truths that remain valid today in 2020 regarding new (perhaps old, but now more visible) forms of housewifisation, unto which SARS-CoV2 has shown a mirror to every person who has ever concerned themselves with gender in-balance, lay person to expert. This paper is about justifying those claims as essential truths by drawing modern parallels and also intends to generate a discussion on the form of the family and societal organisation which would support human flourishing, regardless of gender by formulating a new, post-COVID gender order.

Engels@200: Friedrich Engels in the Age of Digital Capitalism