How to achieve a unified theory of information

  • Wolfgang Hofkirchner ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg
Keywords: Information Society, Two Cultures, Subject-Object-Dialectic, Ways of Thinking


The paper deals with the necessity and feasibility of an integrated information theory. It develops guidelines for how to conceive of information in a way that avoids the pitfalls of certain ways of thinking like reductionism, projectivism or disjunctivism.

Author Biography

Wolfgang Hofkirchner, ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg
  • Professor, Internet and Society, University of Salzburg; Associate Professor, Technology Assessment, Vienna University of Technology
  • Member, Board of Directors, and Chair, Science Advisory Committee, Science of Information Institute, Washington
  • Member, Foundations of Information Science Board,
  • President, Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, Vienna
  • Editor, Unity Through Diversity Two, Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science Book Series, ISCE Publishing, Goodyear, Arizona
  • Member, Board, Institut für Design Science, München
  • Coordinator, icts and society network,
  • Research fields: Praxio-Onto-Epistemology, Evolutionary Systems Theory, Unified Theory of Information, Critical Social Systems Theory, Critical Design Theory, Critical Information Society Theory
Special Issue: What is Really Information? An Interdisciplinary Approach.