Rising With the Robots: Towards a Human-Machine Autonomy for Digital Socialism

  • Christopher M Cox The University of Akron
Keywords: digital socialism, robots, robotics, fully-automated communism, full automation, human-machine autonomy, Autonomist Marxism, Autonomism


This essay is concerned with conceptualising digital socialism in two ways. First, this essay typifies digital socialism as a real utopian project bringing together the utopian potential of “full automation” as tied to socio-economic imperatives indicative of socialist aims. Second, in recognition of a critical gap between full automation and an emerging technological autonomy, this essay argues for a human-machine autonomy that situates autonomy as a shared condition among humans and machines. By conceiving of humans and automated technologies as autonomous subject aligned against capital, pursuing the aims of digital socialism can anticipate and avoid capitalist ideologies that hinders possibilities for autonomous pursuit of digital socialism.

Author Biography

Christopher M Cox, The University of Akron

Christopher M. Cox, PhD is Assistant Professor of Communication and Converged Media at the University of Akron. Researching in the areas of digital media theory, political economy, and cultural studies, his work examines the industrial development of digital media platforms and automated media technologies.

Special Issue: Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism